The Hay Bowling & Golf Club is located in Hay, a picturesque town located on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River in NSW. Close to the vast Hay Plains {one of the flattest places on earth}
The Hay Bowling Club is open 7 days a week for members and guests, with the Bowling green open year round. Stop off on your way through town to have a roll on our beautiful bowling green, dine in our delicious Bistro or simply enjoy a cool drink.
We have regular on-line Raffles, which you can find information on our Facebook page and in-house Raffles every Wednesday and Friday, where the prizes on offer vary throughout the year, from Meat Trays and Vouchers, to the great Pick a Prize wall. What will be on offer when you stop by?

Information about upcoming events at the Bowlo or Golf Club
Planning a Function in Hay? For information about what we offer
To keep up to date with what is happening follow us on Facebook