But with restrictions!

The safety of our patrons and staff are of upmost importance, so please if you are unwell, STAY AT HOME!

So here’s our list!

  • Pubs, clubs, small bars, cellar doors, micro-breweries, small distilleries and casinos may open with restrictions.
  • If you are unwell you will be denied entry to the club.
  • Anyone entering the premises must provide their name and contact details, including a telephone number, address and email address and fill in a simple questionnaire.

Ordering can be done from your table or gaming room through the Mryum app and the drinks will be delivered to your table or you’ll be notified when they are ready.

Capacity must not exceed 50 customers or one customer per 4 square metres (excluding staff) per existing separate seated food or drink area, whichever is the lesser. Venues may have multiple existing seated areas. This allows us to have 26 in the Bistro and 50 in the bar and gaming areas. Please maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and others at all times.

Bowlers on a bowling green are not counted in the total number of persons on the premises but there can be no more than 10 bowlers on a bowling green at any one time.

Strict hygiene practises must be followed and sanitiser stations are provided for your use.

Regular cleaning of all surfaces will be performed by staff throughout the day.